What is Prairiesattva?


Prairiesattva is a development coaching practice that invites business and organizational leaders to look inward so they can make better decisions and feel authentic in the way they operate. We help clients uncover their blind spots and inner hurdles that may hold them back from achieving personal and professional harmony.



When it comes to working with our clients, we’ve designed an approach that’s a true partnership, one built on trust. We spend the necessary time getting to really know our clients — their struggles, barriers and triggers — and develop a customized course of action that meets their individual needs and goals. There’s no template here as everyone enters this journey at a different place. Some of our clients come to us with specific leadership or personal challenges they want to address, while others feel like things are “off” and need guidance. Our transformative process will help you discover your authentic self as you unlock doors that lead to what’s possible.

Leading you home

Prairiesattva was established to help startup founders, CEOs, and other business and organizational leaders break down their internal walls and reach a place of self-awareness and happiness within the confines of the corporate structure, and life in general. We designed our approach with business and organizational leaders in mind so we can more successfully lead them through the transformative process needed for them to reach a place of discovery and, ultimately, come home to their authentic selves.

At its core, coaching is a vehicle that helps widen your aperture and see more of the landscape around you. It opens you up to new possibilities and allows you to follow your curiosity. It questions, reflects, guides, and holds you accountable. Sometimes, when appropriate, teaching occurs, but only when you are unable to come to an answer on your own. It’s different from mentorship in that mentors will typically tell you how they’d handle a situation based on things they’ve done in the past. That’s not what this is. This is a richer experience. This is a transformative process. This is an active investigation leading to realizations that inform how you’ll move forward.